Healing from a Breakup
Therapy for when you just can’t move on
“Why can’t I stop thinking about my ex?”
On your worst days…
It’s another Saturday night spent crying in bed, convinced you’ll be alone forever.
You scroll on the apps to feel relief from the heartbreak, anger, and pain.
You turn to food, booze, weed, or mindless shows to get a break from obsessive thoughts and overwhelming sadness.
The worst part: You still don’t fully understand what happened. Was it my fault? Why did they cheat? How come I’m so hung up on her?
Whether your breakup was last week or last year, we’re here to help.
As you heal from your breakup, you’ll be able to:
✘ Understand why you keep choosing partners who aren’t a good fit for you
✘ Fully process the sadness, grief, and loss of your relationship
✘ Feel more confident in yourself, whether in or out of a relationship
✘ Step back into dating with confidence and clarity — on your own timeline
✘ Trust when your gut tells you something is off in your relationship
✘ Let go of painful or triggering memories of your ex
Deep down, you’re worried you’ll never find someone right for you.
You wonder if it’s your fault all your relationships end in heartbreak and disappointment. You’re afraid we’ll tell you to “just get over it”, like everyone else.
We get it.
We’ve worked with hundreds of clients recovering from a breakup who feel just like you—alone, hopeless, sad, and angry.
We can assure you we have never uncovered anyone who is inherently unlovable, broken, or flawed.
You deserve to feel good about yourself, regardless of whether or not you have that plus one.
You can heal from your heartache at a pace that honors your relationship history and feels right for you.
Our Process for Breakup Recovery
Why it’s more than just “getting over your ex”
We know you’re ready to get to the root of your relationship patterns.
Perhaps your recent breakup was an isolated incident, but you’d still like to understand why it happened so you don’t repeat the same mistakes.
To do this, we lean into psychodynamic work, inner child/parts work, and emotionally-focused therapy to go deep beneath the surface of your breakup experience.
Why is our process so effective?
When you fully process the grief, anger, sadness, and negative beliefs about yourself that come with breakups, it can be a powerful pathway to healing all your past relationship wounds.
Past incidents and experiences that seemed insignificant at the time will come into clarity as a larger pattern within your attachment system.
When you do this courageous work around your breakup, it can have far-reaching ramifications in all areas of your life. In addition to moving on from your breakup, you may feel better about other areas of your life, too. You can finally let go of unfulfilling friendships, set better boundaries at work, or feel less triggered by difficult family members.